Thursday 25 July 2013

Archery Club Cake

The heatwave is over! I'm sad to see the sun go and the rain return, the baker in me is rejoicing as it's just warm enough for butter to come up to room temperature in a reasonable amount of time, but not so warm that I'm ready to have a nervous breakdown as everything goes wrong.

My cousin asked me to make a cake for her archery club's barbecue. I can't take credit for the design, she found a picture and showed it to me. I think the original was a Disney's Brave inspired cake.

This went pretty smoothly, with the exception of the archery butt. I originally tried to make it out of black liquorice shoe laces and Mikado biscuits (the little chocolate stick kind, not Jacob's Mikado which is an entirely different animal - if you're of a certain age I'd put money on it that right now you're singing "Kimberly, Mikado and coconut creams, someone you love would love some mum!"). Anyhew, it didn't work. The chocolate melted at the slightest touch and I ended up swearing loudly and then eating the rest of the box, just to get revenge on them.

In the end I covered some skewers with fondant. I didn't get the elegant construction I was going for, but it'll do the job! I hope....

So here it is. I'm quite proud of this one as I think both my icing and fondant covering skills are coming on a bit. I didn't tear the fondant once while trying to put it on, possibly for the first time ever. Now I just have to work on getting the cakes dead centre on my cake board.... whoops.

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